SELF Magazine’s Workout on the Quad draws 900 students
Rain didn’t stop 900 students from heading to SELF Magazine’s Workout on the Quad on Saturday for exercise and giveaways. Although it was dreary outside, spirits were high in the tents.
The Workout in the Park event is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, and the University of Massachusetts, after having the highest participation in the SELF Workout in the Park Social Game on Facebook, was able to host the second ever Workout on the Quad event.
“This event is the same as the Workout in the Park, just shrunk down and for free for UMass students,” said Brittany Forgione, senior publicist for SELF. “HerCampus UMass really got everyone involved and rose to the top. They rallied up the students and racked up the points.”
Forgione added, “This event is getting bigger and bigger. It’s the first of its kind and it is our staple event. It’s about the healthy lifestyle experience, and this is the magazine brought to life. This is our baby.”
“I’m really proud of our organization for winning this amazing event. We won it out of over 500 schools in the country,” said Brittany Lynch, the business development manager for HerCampus UMass and president of the publication next year. “It is just unfortunate it was scheduled on a rainy day.”
Due to the weather and muddy conditions, the yoga, pilates and Reebok Crossfit portions of the event could not happen, but the Crunch instructors kept the workout going at the main stage with classes like Rear Attitude, House Grooves and Beach Body.
“The instructors were really enthusiastic even though it wasn’t the greatest weather,” said Danielle Arcese, a junior at UMass.
“I’m really into the workouts,” said Phil Rosario, a junior at UMass who was working security at the event. “Many people have told me I look like I’m having a good time, and I am, because they are a good time.”
HerCampus hoped to have 1,000 attendees at the event, and 900 people ended up coming.
For full article, click here.
Posted on April 28, 2014 at 3:49 pm
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